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Imaan Boost, Gratitude Part III

by in Soul on 18th October, 2016


DHIKR & SHUKR: There is nothing easier when you are going about your day than taking a moment to be grateful for your many blessings and to remember Allah. This alone is a great source of spiritual strength and can be as simple as invoking Allah’s name before you start something.

However busy we are in our lives if we invest time to serve Allah, to boost our Imaan and strive to be better Muslims, it will never be a waste.

Prophet Muhammad (S) said:

“What relationship do I have with this world? I am in this world like a rider who halts in the shade of a tree for a short time, and after taking some rest, resumes his journey leaving the tree behind.”

[Ahmed, Tirmidhi]

If life is getting you down and there seems to be a grey cloud floating above you start by writing a gratitude list at the end of every day. Even saying Alhamdulilah for your warm coat in this weather or the food yu just ate or a conversation that left you positive. Finding things to be grateful become easier and your outlook also improves. Gratitude and Patience are often put together when discussing the concept of Sabr (Patience).

Our life in this world is like a drop in the ocean, may we all use our time wisely in order to enrich our spiritual souls, strengthen our Imaan and ultimately, to please Allah SWT, Ameen.

Sarah Yataghane

Sarah Yataghane

A home educating mama of 3 girls inviting you on a journey through motherhood & beyond. Passionate about writing, community & nurturing creativity. Instagram: @a_bitofpink