Amaliah is dedicated to amplifying and celebrating the voices of Muslim women. We believe that a media company that amplifies the voices of Muslim women is a powerful tool for cultural change and one of the ways we aim to do this is through publishing articles by the Amaliah community. We have covered a range of topics, and issues, and celebrated, informed and educated. We have voices representing the global sisterhood, from the UK and USA, to India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey and many other countries and we’re always on the lookout for more voices, stories and experiences to platform.
We publish a range of formats (listicles, interviews, personal essays, profile pieces, reviews, or even photo series) under five different categories. The pieces we publish are rooted in an Islamic identity and surface nuanced experiences and different stories of Muslim women. We are looking for well-researched pieces, that reference statistics and include interviews (where applicable), are grammar and spell checked, as well as a variety of voices that go beyond superficial analysis to dive deep into what it means to exist as a Muslim woman today.
N.B. We only accept pitches via our submission form
Below you’ll find examples of some of the pieces that we’ve previously commissioned that reflect the kind of content we are seeking to publish at Amaliah:
Please do not hesitate to pitch to us on a topic or issue that you think is important but that you may not see listed on our website.
We offer a contribution fee for every new piece published on Amaliah*. However, we do not accept pitches for articles that are already published elsewhere.
*We are happy to allocate resources and/or funds where needed to aid the production of a piece. We are currently dealing with this on a case by case basis but we hope to reach a point where we have clear bands.
Before submitting your pitch, please check our website to make sure that we have not already published a piece that is identical to the topic you’re pitching to us about. If you are writing for the first time, please make sure that you read our guide on things to consider.
If you would like to pitch us an idea for a piece, please fill out this form. If you have more than one idea, please send each one as an individual pitch.
Amaliah does not publish pieces that promote hate, prejudice, and discrimination of any kind. We also take plagiarism very seriously.
We aim to process all submissions within 10 working days. If your pitch is accepted, you will receive an email from a member of our editorial team, with the expectation for the piece to be received within 7 working days. Your piece may go through a few rounds of revisions to ensure that it is ready for publication and we will communicate any edits or changes with you throughout this process.
If you have not heard back from us after a month then it means your pitch has not been accepted for publication. Rarely do we decline a pitch because it isn’t a good idea, rather it is often because we have so many good pitches that land in our form every day which we cannot accommodate or the submission guidelines have not been met. This is down to time and capacity constraints, or because your pitch may not be the right fit for Amaliah’s tone and audience.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!