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The Impact of Muslim Women’s Zakat Fund One Year On

by in Ramadan on 7th March, 2025

Every year, as Ramadan arrives and we lean into the communal spirit of worshipping Allah ﷻ, Zakat naturally comes to mind. Yet amid crunching numbers and working out what we owe, it’s easy to forget that Zakat isn’t just about fulfilling an obligation. At its heart, Zakat is an act of love and collective care, sharing the burden of hardship so that no one in our community is left behind, and holding the power to uplift those in need of support.

The reality in the UK is bleak: nearly half of British Muslims live in poverty, compared to 18% of the general population.

These are not just numbers—these are families struggling to make ends meet, mothers choosing between heating and eating, children growing up with uncertain futures, women on the brink of homelessness with nowhere to turn.

Recognising this urgent need, Amaliah partnered with the National Zakat Foundation (NZF) to launch the Muslim Women’s Zakat Fund, a fund created specifically to ensure that Muslim women in the UK don’t just survive, but thrive. 

Over the last eight years, Amaliah’s work has been guided by care for Muslim women, and this fund was a natural extension of that work. One year on, it stands as a quiet but profound reminder that when we show up for each other, we are not only changing lives, we are nurturing faith and hope.

NZF, the largest Zakat-distributing institution for UK Muslims, was founded on a simple but urgent question—one that puts the needs of Muslim women at the forefront: “What’s the point of three million Muslims if Ayesha has to sleep on the streets?” 

The Amaliah community heard the call and came together to raise £176,000, directly assisting 135 women and reaching 480 individuals when including their dependents. But these numbers only tell part of the story. What they truly represent is community solidarity in action—of rent paid on time, homes kept warm, food on the table, and dignity restored. They represent the power of a community that understands lifting one woman can uplift entire families.

We have all heard of Zakat funds paying rent, covering bills, and putting food on the table, but what does it really mean? 

For some people, it is the difference between making it through the month or falling into crisis. For others, it’s quite literally the difference between life and death—between having a safe roof over their heads or sleeping on the streets, between seeking medical treatment or suffering in silence, between holding onto hope or feeling like there’s no way out. 

“Tonight, I will put my head on the pillow without stressing over finances and money. I’ll be able to pay the £300 bill for gas this month. Thank you to everyone at NZF, I don’t feel so alone anymore.” Sarah* (single mother of four) Muslim Women’s Zakat Fund recipient

Muslim women in the UK are the most vulnerable and marginalised section of society, facing a layered weight of racial and religious discrimination, economic inequality, and often carrying the invisible labour of caregiving work. This often leaves them struggling to navigate daily life with dignity and security.

Many women come to this fund in their most desperate moments, having exhausted every other option. Behind every grant is a woman who has spent sleepless nights calculating budgets for hours, wrestling with how to keep her children warm, planning to go without suhoor so she can feed her kids, and praying silently for relief.

When we reach out a helping hand at a moment like that, it’s more than just money, it’s a lifeline. A reminder that someone sees you, that you are not forgotten. It is important to remember that Zakat can be the very thing that pulls someone back from the edge, restoring not only their circumstances but their sense of faith and belonging.

How many women have found their way back to Allah because someone showed up for them at their lowest point or felt less isolated because their community refused to look away?

To give in this way is not charity, it’s the divine act of solidarity, reaffirming the truth that no one in our community should have to carry their burdens alone. This fund is proof of what happens when we honour the sacred responsibility bestowed upon us by Allah of caring for one another, not just as an obligation, but as a means of drawing closer to Him and each other. 

The Need to Support Muslim Women in the UK is Urgent

The Hardship Relief Fund has been the most requested, distributing £139,729 to 126 women—impacting 435 individuals when dependents are included. 

These aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet, they represent women struggling and trying hard to hold it together in the face of rising living costs. This fund means that a mother doesn’t have to choose between heating her home or feeding her children during the coldest months. It means someone who has been carrying the weight of their struggle in silence can finally feel the burden ease, even for a little while.

For many women, this support comes at a time when they’ve already stretched themselves to breaking point. The relief that comes from knowing the community is holding them up, seeing their pain, responding to their needs, can restore not just stability, but a sense of belonging and faith. This fund is a testament to the power of Zakat as a tool for dignity, reminding every woman helped that she is not alone, that her struggle matters, and that the community will not leave her behind.

The Housing Fund has provided £33,978 to 8 women, supporting 41 individuals including dependents, offering safe and secure accommodation, covering rent or council tax arrears, and avoiding homelessness. 

Muslim women are disproportionately at risk of domestic abuse, violence, and housing insecurity. Statutory and government provisions are often stretched thin, leaving women to wade through a hostile system where they are overlooked or pushed to the bottom of waiting lists.

For many women, this fund has meant the difference between staying trapped in dangerous situations or finding the courage to walk away. 

Through this fund, we can ensure that a woman leaving an abusive relationship can secure a deposit on a new flat, or that overdue rent doesn’t become the reason a mother and her children are evicted. It is more than shelter, it’s the first step towards reclaiming safety, taking back control of their lives and the chance to rebuild a life on their own terms. The fund also offers a pathway to help Muslims get out of debt.

If you or someone you know needs support, the Amaliah community is here to hold you up. You can apply here: Hardship Relief and Housing Fund.

While the Hardship and Housing Funds offer urgent relief, the Empowerment Fund enables long-term independence. Though smaller in scale, with £2,293 supporting 4 individuals including dependents, the impact of this fund is profound. This fund is designed to help Muslim women regain financial independence, whether through further education, employment support, vocational training or business start-up costs. Every investment in this fund has the potential to transform not just one life, but generations to come.

To apply for support through this fund, you can visit: Empowerment Fund.

Zakat is a mercy from Allah for the entire Ummah, whether we are the givers or receivers. When Al-Razzaq provides for us, it is important to remember that He is providing for others through our Zakat. That rizq doesn’t belong to us and it is our responsibility to ensure we are helping each other and not oblivious to the pain of those praying next to us in our local mosques. 

Again and again, Allah reminds us in the Qur’an of our duty to each other and how Zakat lessens the burdens for us all.

Zakat indeed eases worldly hardship for the receiver, and will lighten the unseen burdens of aakhirah for the giver. It’s important to remember that the former is temporary, while the latter will last forever. 

This past year has shown us that Zakat has the revolutionary power to transform our communities, especially when it is given with intention and care. This is what collective solidarity looks like in action. Every pound given has directly impacted the lives of women facing hardship, offering not just financial aid but dignity, stability, and hope. However, the work is not done yet. 

With your support this Ramadan, we can expand the reach of this fund, ensuring that no Muslim woman in the UK has to face hardship alone. Building on last year’s success, the Muslim Women’s Zakat Fund is set to make an even bigger impact in 2025. For every £3 you give, £1 is match-funded—reaching more women, faster. Many of these women are mothers or future mothers, the backbone of our community and the nurturers of the next generation. When we support Muslim women, we are investing in the future of the Muslim community in the UK.

*Names have been changed to protect the identity

Amaliah Team

Amaliah Team

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