by Amaliah Team in Ramadan on 20th February, 2025
Ramadan is fast approaching and as we all know, working during Ramadan can be quite taxing.
Flexible working is one of the best ways to manage your productivity whilst working during Ramadan and ensure you get the most out of it spiritually. Most employers now have a flexible working policy in place and a diversity and inclusion team that can support you during this time. Below is an email template that you can use to request flexible working this Ramadan to accommodate your needs.
You can also check out and share our article Ramadan Guide for Employers for further resources for your employer.
Email Template:
Dear [Insert Line Manager’s Name],
I hope you are well.
As you may know, the holy month of Ramadan is coming up starting from approximately [Saturday 1st March / X date until Sunday 30th March / X date]. In this month Muslims, including myself, are prescribed to fast and abstain from food and drink from dawn until dusk for 30 days. You can find more information here in this article or via our workplace guidance [insert any relevant HR or diversity and inclusion policies, presentations or intranet articles your employer has published].
To enable me to manage my time effectively and make the most of this holy month personally, I would like to put in a request for an additional flexible working request as per our policy and guidance [insert relevant links].
I am proposing to [work from home for this month with the exception of essential meetings / work in the office X days a week / insert any other working pattern in relation to the office you may require]. When working from home, it will also help for me to work from [X time to X time] as my core hours to accommodate the changes to my schedule. I sometimes prefer to work [later in the day when I am able to eat and drink / very early in the day as I begin my fast], so if there is focused work required or if there is a particular day where my energy levels are low, I can also make up any hours or work during this time
[Insert if your office does not have a prayer room] – In the office, I may need to pray during work hours so will require a quiet room to do this with enough room to prostrate. Would I be able to request this from facilities via you as my line manager?
[Insert if you are only taking Eid day off] – In addition, Eid, the celebratory day marking the end of Ramadan, is expected to fall on [Monday 31st March / X date]. Therefore, I would like to request leave for this day. This date is dependent on the sighting of the moon and will only be confirmed the evening before. May I earmark both [Monday 31st March / X date and Tuesday 1st April/ X date] as potential leave dates and then cancel the additional day accordingly once Eid is confirmed?
Thank you in advance for your understanding and accommodation. These changes would be incredibly helpful for me and would help enrich [insert company name] as an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace. Anything you can do to accommodate, would be greatly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Many Thanks
[Insert Name]
This article was written by a member of the Amaliah team or a collective team effort. You can follow us on @amaliah_tweets for the latest or head over to our Instagram @amaliah_com. If you're reading this and are thinking about contributing an article then send us an email with a brief or a full article to