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Agony Aunt: Immigrating to a Muslim Country

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 11th August, 2024

We know that Amaliah is like a Big Sis and sometimes our DMs have been filled with requests for advice on a range of life issues including relationships, friendships or work troubles.

We have started a new segment where we field dilemmas from the community and answer them as frankly as we can with love, truth and honesty.

Need some advice on a dilemma? Send them all here!

Salam Aunt Maya. Almost everyone I know is talking about leaving the UK for a Muslim country with the intention of Hijrah. It sounds like a dream to me even though practically I am not sure how I can make it happen. I live with my parents who are getting older everyday and I would love for us to live in a place where we belong. On the other hand I am not sure if we are being overdramatic, as all the earth belongs to Allah and I trust we will be safe wherever we are. I just do not see a future here anymore. What can I do to feel more grounded?

Maya Areem responds:

Salam alaykum,

Thank you for reaching out with your valid concerns. It’s clear that you’re struggling with a significant decision and I want to assure you that you’re not alone in this. Many others in the UK are also having similar thoughts, especially considering the current political and economic backdrop. In fact, I personally know several people who have moved and are also conflicted, so I can assure you that your feelings are not over-dramatic. The desire to find a place where you and your family feel a deeper sense of belonging is entirely understandable.

Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that the concept of Hijrah, migration for the sake of Allah, is a deeply personal and spiritual journey. While it may hold great significance, it’s equally crucial to approach it with practicality and a clear understanding of the context. The feeling of not seeing a future in your current location can be challenging, but it’s essential to assess the root causes of this sentiment.

Take time for introspection and prayer to seek guidance from Allah. Trust in Allah’s wisdom and the power of prayer during times of uncertainty.

“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:153)

Try reflecting on the reasons behind your desire for Hijrah. Is it primarily for religious reasons, a sense of community, or economic stability? Understanding your motivations will help you make a more informed decision.

Your next step could be having an open and honest discussion with your parents about the possibility of migration. Consider their perspectives and concerns. It’s crucial to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page, your parents might be able to offer a perspective that can help you feel more settled and comfortable in your current situation.

Once you have a clear motivation or decision, seek advice from your local knowledgeable scholars and community leaders. They can provide you with religious guidance and help you understand the responsibilities and implications of immigration. Their insights may offer a deeper understanding of your situation.

Sometimes, the feeling of not belonging may stem from a lack of connection within the local community. Actively engage with your local Muslim community, participate in events, and build relationships. This might help create a stronger sense of belonging.

Assess the practical aspects of relocating, including financial stability, job opportunities, healthcare, and the overall quality of life in a potential destination. Research thoroughly and consider the implications for both short-term and long-term well-being. If immigration is still a compelling goal after careful consideration, work on developing a realistic long-term plan. This might include saving money, acquiring necessary skills, and establishing connections in the destination country.

You can also check out our guide on moving abroad here: Your 10-Point Financial Guide to Moving Abroad 

Remember, finding a sense of belonging doesn’t always require physical relocation. It’s possible to cultivate a deeper connection with your current surroundings through active engagement and a positive mindset. May Allah make it easy for you and guide you towards a fulfilling and purposeful life.

May Allah grant you wisdom and peace in your decision-making process.

Love + duas,

Aunt Maya

If you would like some wisdom from Aunt Maya, send in your problems here! Please note Aunt Maya may consult the opinion of others from time to time and ask the Amaliah community for their advice too. Aunt Maya is not a licensed therapist or mental health professional.

Maya Areem

Maya Areem

Maya is a teacher by day and student by night. She hopes to pass on what she learns.