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The Digital Sisterhood: Where Women Create, Women Make Space

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 20th September, 2022

The much talked about and praised new podcast from The Digital Sisterhood has been praised for its comforting and Islam-centred focus which hits on a range of topics through digital story telling. Writer Lamisah takes us on a tour of what the safe space for Muslim women stands for and a few episode recommendations.

The Digital Sisterhood (TDS) is a start-up, founded by Cadar Mohamud, which aims to unite Muslim women globally through highlighting the importance of cultivating their own spaces, creating their own content and being the authors of their own stories. Their goal is to counter pre-existing narratives on what it means to be a Muslim woman in the world today. Through digital storytelling, they hope to empower a generation of women to unapologetically be themselves, while inspiring and empowering them to foster a strong and unwavering relationship with Islam. TDS’s slogan “where women create, women make space” is one I love and relate to, and which also aligns with Amaliah’s ethos of amplifying the voices of Muslim women. In the words of Cadar:

“A lot of people love to doubt Muslims, especially Muslim women of colour. So we said, forget their stage! we’re going to build our own stage.”

The Digital Sisterhood Guiding Principles:

  • Faith-based: TDS is grounded in the practice of Islam as a way of life. The principles and ethics of the Islamic Faith are the core of their business practice, content creation and how they create change in the wider world.
  • Empathy-driven: Change is fostered by authentic connection which can only be built on the basis of empathy. TDS believes that stories can drive change because of the people behind them. Empathy inspires individuals to take positive action and creates a culture of global cooperation
  • Innovative: Innovation is radical truth at its very core. It’s the ability to look forward and see what is possible without a limited and false vision. Innovation is recognising where the work needs to be done, and doing the work there. 

The podcast hosts women from around the world to tell their stories in their own way. Muslim women are finally handed the microphone to speak their truth, in a safe space, without preconceived assumptions and beliefs about them.

These stories affect and inspire the ordinary listener, because they are told from a space of Iman and most importantly, from the heart. Through the busyness and sometimes overwhelming nature of life, we barely get the opportunity to hear the stories and struggles of our loved ones, particularly ones focused on how they overcame the hurdles of life.  How often do we give others that comfort we once wanted ourselves? Through the Digital Sisterhood podcast, speakers as well as listeners are provided a level of comfort as they walk through the stories being shared. Listeners are also motivated to create a similar culture of being present and empathetic, in our daily lives. 

To me, TDS has always been a breath of fresh air, or perhaps a deeper one.  It’s the deep breaths that help us find inner peace, give us time to slow down and focus on ourselves, afford us the opportunity to clear our minds and remove the burden and tension on our shoulders. Most importantly, it reminds us to turn to the One who matters, the One who can solve all our problems, even if it’s only for a few minutes.  That’s how I feel listening to an episode of TDS. Each episode is like a big, warm hug, in the way Cadar makes the team, the guests, and her listeners feel loved and cared for. 

Episode Suggestions

If you are wondering where to start, here are a few episode suggestions for moments in your life.

Starting your journey to Islam

For a pick me up on your faith or if you are starting on your Islamic journey, head to:  ‘Episode 11 & 12: Back to Basics p1 & 2’ where Cadar and the Founder of Beautiful Light studios, Muna, discuss practical steps on practising the Deen, and perfecting better habits as Muslims. 

Beauty standards of the west

If you like discussing beauty standards in the West, how it affects young Muslim women, and what it truly means to be beautiful, listen to ‘Episode 4: Pretty is as pretty does’ where Author Lina Ahmed joins Cadar to speak on her book ‘Beauty fee Sabillilah’ and the inspiration behind it.

Grief and Romance

For the hopeless romantics who want a story on love, marriage and how to deal with grief, listen to my favourite: ‘Episode 19: There’s always hope for Love’ 

We play vibe check

To listen to friends of the Host play Vibe Check (a card game for potential partners to get to know each other better before marriage), go to ‘Episode 20: Men Tell All’ or ‘Episode 21 & 22: Women Tell All’. 

Friendship & faith

For a beautiful, heartwarming story on friendship and faith listen to ‘The Impartial Judge’ where Cadar and Asma review justice and equality in the workplace and how she found her own place with her best friend along the way.

If you’re on your Qur’an journey to being a Hafidha, listen to Hilal’s story ‘Episode 2 & 3: When the Crescent moon became full pt 1 & 2’ where she discusses how the Qur’an went from an unfamiliar book to a way of life for her.

From listening to the episodes of the podcast, I experienced a change in my life. I discovered a newfound confidence to pursue my dreams despite the hardships that I may face along the way, a passion for helping Muslim women grow, and a desire to learn from them. It also opened my eyes and heart to the difference Muslim women can make when reassurance and affirmation are given and fear is removed.

Working for TDS as a community manager has given me insight into the whirlwind of emotions supporters experience when listening and engaging with the stories shared. I’ve had the privilege and opportunity to speak to Muslim women from all over the world, and every conversation leaves me feeling fulfilled, replenished and content. Some find that these memoirs are close to their hearts due to the shared experience, some relate to the journeys of finding Allah in the midst of tough times, while some are wholly empaths, ready to connect with whoever gets the TDS’ mic.

TDS has taught me that Muslim women need to connect, cooperate and guide each other every step of the way. That’s the way of our Prophet and part of our responsibility as Muslims. In today’s world, where help can sometimes be scarce and encouragement can be elusive, it’s essential we give that to one another. 


Lamisah Chowdhury

Lamisah Chowdhury

I’m 19 years old and a university student currently studying Law. I run a charity with my mum called Al Huda Trust (IG -@alhudatrust). I love reading and recently have found a love for writing. I also work for The Digital Sisterhood Podcast (IG - @thedigitalsisterhood) and the Islamic Feelings Podcast (@islamicfeelingss).