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10 Tips for Completing the Quran in Ramadan

by in Ramadan on 28th February, 2025

Staying up to pray as the rest of the world sleeps, the suhoor spreads, and the anticipation of the Maghrib adhan – Ramadan is here, and the mercy of this month is arriving too. Whatever we hope to take away from this month, the true spirit of Ramadan is in reconnecting with the Qur’an. 

Ibn ‘Abbas narrated, “Allah’s Messenger ﷺ was the most generous person, and he would be at his most generous in Ramadan because Jibril would come to him every night and he would study the Qur’an with him. Truly, when Allah’s Messenger ﷺ would meet Jibril, he would be more generous than a fleeting wind.” (Al-Albani)

With up to thirty blessed days in the month, a common goal for many is to try and finish an entire recitation of the Qur’an. Some years, we make it happen and some years, we lose momentum halfway through. Life happens, exhaustion takes over, and there is just too much going on – but InshaAllah we are rewarded for our intentions and rewarded as if we did finish in those years gone by.

There are many benefits to reciting the Qur’an specifically in Ramadan, the month where Allah ﷻ sent down the holy book to His beloved Messenger ﷺ. A month where we have the best opportunity to gain entry to Paradise as the doors of Jannah are opened and doors of Jahannam are closed for an entire month.

‘Abdallah Ibn ‘Amr reported Allah’s Messenger ﷺ as saying, “Fasting and the Qur’an intercede for a man. Fasting says, ‘O my Lord, I have kept him away from his food and his passions by day, so accept my intercession for him.’ The Qur’an says, ‘I have kept him away from sleep by night, so accept my intercession for him.’ Then their intercession is accepted.” (Mishkat al Masabih)

In this piece, we are taking you through some tried and tested practical tips from our trusted Amaliah community on completing the Qur’an this Ramadan.

It helps to remember that finishing the Qur’an is neither obligatory nor the only Qur’an-related goal we can have.Whatever you aim to accomplish by the end of this month and whatever you are able to achieve, the following tips will help you stay on track: 

1. Set your daily goal

Start with a goal as it will help you stay focused each day. If you are trying to finish the Qur’an this Ramadan, then over 30 days your daily goal is: the number of pages in your Qur’an, divided by 29/30 days. This is your goal on how many pages to read per day, you can then work out how you want to achieve this ( might have a certain number of pages after each salah or at different points in the day).

You may also want to adjust this accordingly if you expect to have your period in Ramadan and take the opinion that you cannot read from the Qur’an during this time. For example, deduct the typical number of days from your period from the 29/30 days of Ramadan

“I read 20 pages a day and put aside 10-15 minutes after each prayer to read 4 pages. This always helps me complete it in the month of Ramadan!”

“I read 25 pages everyday, 5 pages after each prayer. I tried to finish around the last 10 odd nights. I followed this for 3 years but now I’m focused more on understanding the Holy Qur’an and its Tafsirs. Since Arabic is not my native language, all these years I just recited mostly without truly pondering what the Holy book actually implies. Insha Allah I’m going to set a new goal this Ramadan.”

If your goal is not to finish the Qur’an, adjust accordingly. You know best what is in your capacity, what is possible for your lifestyle and current situation, so start there. This is important and will help when you are feeling down or when you are off track with what you had hoped to accomplish. Setting a goal will help you set down a detailed plan and keep you on track as much as possible. 

With regards to goals in Ramadan, if you are worried about setting lofty goals and not reaching them, a friend shared “If you’re overwhelmed during Ramadan due to many personal difficulties, don’t set yourself lofty goals. Set standards you do not fall below.”

2. Intention

Our deeds are weighed by our intentions, so here’s a key point to remember as you sit to pen down your goals for this Ramadan: aim as high as you can and strive to accomplish that goal. Whether you reach it or not, Allah will reward you for your intention and effort. If your intention is true and you do not finish, InshaAllah it will be counted as if you did complete the Qur’an and written in your book of deeds.

Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended.” (Bukhari)

We loved the advice on viewing Ramadan as a spiritual bootcamp where we should aim for lofty goals: “Ramadan is only one month a year, I like to think of it as a spiritual bootcamp, so planning ahead helps me.”

“Set your intention and stick to it. On the first couple of days read extra that you’ve allocated to the other days. This acts as a buffer if you later miss a day or two, so you don’t fall behind.”

Life happens, we may not always be able to stick to our plans, but why not intend to make the most of our time and leave the rest to Allah? 

3. There is no time like the present

Sometimes, the best way to deal with procrastination is to just get up and do it. Try to proactively set up a reading routine at least a week before Ramadan begins. This will inshaAllah help your transition into Ramadan smoother and less stressful. 

Chantal Blake, Holistic Menstrual Health Educator advised wisely, Stack up your reading in the early half of your menstrual cycle. When oestrogen is higher, generally drive and energy are too. As oestrogen wanes and we draw closer to menstruation, maintaining big commitments can become more challenging. And, of course, start now to get your khatam in Ramadan!”

Many people agreed with that, as someone pointed out astutely, “​​Start now – the goal is to complete in Ramadan but you don’t have to start in Ramadan!”

Make du’a and ask Allah for His help in getting started.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْكَسَلِ وَالْهَرَمِ وَالْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَفِتْنَةِ الدَّجَّالِ وَعَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ 

Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-kasali, wal-harami, wal-jubni, wal-bukhli, wa fitnatid-dajjali, wa ‘adhabil-qabr.

“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from laziness, old age, cowardice, miserliness, the tribulation of the Dajjal and the torment of the grave.)” (Sunan An-Nasai)

4. Reading from a physical Qur’an

“My aunt swears by this, finishing it up each Ramadhan MashAllah – four pages after each prayer!”

To read through an entire juz (chapter) which consists of twenty pages in one day, the recommended plan of action is to read four pages before or after the five daily prayers. This is easier when you are reading from a physical Qur’an as you can see your progress as you turn the pages. If you cannot reach your goal for the day, you can also check to see how many additional pages you will be reading the next day. If you still prefer to read on a device like your phone or tablet, try switching to page view so that you can visualise your progress.

5. Accountability buddy 

Start a messaging thread with friends of similar goals and reading paces as you begin this Ramadan. At the end of each day, update each other on your progress, what page you ended on and where you need to be for the next day. Motivate and help each other stay on track and InshaAllah you will be rewarded for this too. 

“I read four pages after each prayer, that’s a juz finished a day. My husband and I keep each other accountable so we are both encouraged to read!”

“I have a friendly competition with one of my siblings and friends so we can encourage each other!”

If you feel you are short on time, why not start your own Khatam group where your friends and family get together to finish one whole recitation?

“Read together with a group of friends! Get together even online, and read a page together every evening.”

6. Understanding the Qur’an 

Some people feel conflicted about finishing the Qur’an when they have not understood it. This makes sense as you want to have learnt something at the end. The middle ground here could be to watch video lectures that go over the translation or tafsir of the juz you are reading that day. For example, Yaqeen Institute’s 30 for 30 series summarises the main points of each juz in a half-hour video. 

“Do not fall into the debate of what’s more important: reciting more or understanding more. Both camps have enough evidence in hadith which means both are important. Focus all your readings and listenings on Qur’an. Don’t stack a hefty TBR pile of books for Ramadan because they have Persian art on its cover. Instead read tafsir, books about learning and understanding Qur’an, etc. Read as much as you can, use the tiny pockets of time to read even if it’s one verse you can fit.”

“Don’t pressure yourself to finish. Understanding is more important than powering through.”

Other ways you can connect with the Qur’an this month: 

  • Read the translation. 
  • Study the tafsir of one surah. 
  • Watch online tafsir series
  • Listen to a detailed tafsir of a single ayah every day.  
  • Revise what you have memorised of the Qur’an. 
  • Memorise a new surah. 

Whichever way you choose to recite this year, it is important to remember that in the month of Qur’an, every tiny effort in getting closer to Allah and understanding His message bears great rewards.

7. Reading for Taraweeh 

There is a difference of opinion on whether you can hold the mushaf during taraweeh to recite from the Qur’an . Some scholars will allow this, for example, the scholars of the Shafi’i fiqh recommend the use of a mushaf. Some scholars of the Hanafi fiqh discourage or prohibit the use of a mushaf during the prayer.  

If you prefer to hold your Qur’an and read from it while you pray Taraweeh, discuss with your local imam about the permissibility and make a decision based on that. Another option could be to recite what you have memorised in your Taraweeh prayers and to then read your set portion of the Quran after every two rakat. 

“Best advice I got was to read one surah a day for the first week or so. Yes you’re reading more than one juz for the first 10 surah but it really helps you to get a momentum going. I also read as much as I can during tarawih prayers on my phone (at home when I’m praying tarawih on my own).”

Here is also a guide on How to Pray Taraweeh at Home

8. Explore the abundant tech resources

From Adhan clocks to Prayer and daily adhkar apps, technology has become an invaluable resource in our day to day lives as Muslims. Similarly, there are a number of Qur’an apps that aim to make Qur’an recitation and understanding effortless for us as busy individuals. Offering various translations, audio recordings, and interpretations of the Qur’an, apps like Qur’an Hive and Qur’an Reflect offer convenience and flexibility, allowing us to engage with Allah’s message anytime, anywhere. Moreover, features such as bookmarking and personalised reading plans can help in enhancing the efficiency.

“If you have a basic Arabic understanding, then pick a phrase and a verse each day from your reading portion and try to reflect on it. It could be simply because of how it sounded on your tongue, look it up and think about it. Tadabbur is as simple as that. Use apps like Qur’an Reflect, Qur’an Hive, the tafsirs of and their app version, listen to your favourite Qari in times you feel like plugging in your headset.”

“I use Quranly! It’s a great app.”

Whether it’s listening to recitation during your commute, utilising translation tools for better understanding, or participating in online study groups, these apps offer a convenient way to deepen our spiritual connection and fulfil the goal of completing the Quran during the blessed month of Ramadan.

9. Make yourself a visual tracker

If you have a Ramadan journal, these usually have a column where you can track your Qur’an reading for the day. But even if you do not, pull out any journal you usually use and make your own tracker! Make it as simple or as pretty as you need it to keep you organised and motivated, and log in your progress for each day. This way, you can evaluate yourself at the end of every day, week and even at the end of the month to plan for where you can improve next year. 

10. Keep going after Ramadan

It is often said that the way to know if your deeds have been accepted in Ramadan is if they carry on. If you don’t reach your goals in Ramadan see them as something to build on. Keep going with your goals and InshaAllah by next Ramadan you will be able to build on it again. 

“One part is about 20 pages which is 4 pages after every prayer. Stick to that as minimum and if you can read more, go ahead. The aim is to build the habit during Ramadan and then carry it forward with us for the rest of the year inshallah.”

“I started reciting last October. Minimum 1 page per day. Sometimes I miss due to work and menstruation. But I stayed consistent.”

At the end of the day, do not be disheartened if you have been unable to reach your goal; dust yourself off, adjust your plan and renew your intention.

May Allah allow us to benefit from the blessed month, keep our intentions sincere and allow the Qur’an to enter our hearts.

Amaliah Team

Amaliah Team

This article was written by a member of the Amaliah team or a collective team effort. You can follow us on @amaliah_tweets for the latest or head over to our Instagram @amaliah_com. If you're reading this and are thinking about contributing an article then send us an email with a brief or a full article to