So, I spent yet another weekend rearranging my books for the umpteenth time, during the London lockdown*. Looking through my collection prompted me to think about which other Islamic books I need in my home. I’m steadily building a small collection of books written by Muslim Women where I often find myself in their words or am enlightened about the myriad of experiences we all have in this world.
There are a plethora of books about Islam alhamdulillah; from books featuring models of Muslim living, history recalled, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, women in Islam, the companions and books that every Muslim soul just needs during times of ease and hardship. There are also books on the seerah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and a range of reference books that are good to have in the home so we can use them to research and verify Islamic information we may come across about prophets, fiqh, history and so forth. I took my question to social media and asked:
“What books should every Muslim have in their home?”
As Ramadan approaches we know that seeking beneficial knowledge is important and spending our time well is crucial so a book refresh can contribute to us reaching for that which is beneficial Insha Allah. I also cannot disclose the number of books bought whilst compiling this list but alas another re-arranging will be due one weekend.
I share this list with a disclaimer that like many book collectors I have not read or even laid my eyes upon some of these titles and the sequence is nothing but a reflection of me reading through the answers that were shared.
(*We are in the year 2021, month of April and London is in continued lockdown for any historians who stumble across this, FYI)
- Who is Allah? His name and attributes and their significance to the Individual By Umm Abdurrahman Sakina HirsehFelder, recommendation from Nepa Jamillah Uddin
- Book Volumes: Sahih Muslim Hadith collections, recommendation from Zeba Ahmed
- Book Volumes: Bukhari Hadith collections, recommendation from Zeba Ahmed
- Islam: Beliefs and Teachings, by Ghulam Sarwar, recommendation from Adama Juldeh Muna
- In the early hours, By Khurram Murad, recommendation from Jamila Kossar
- Ma’arif e mathnawi, by Maulana Hakeem Akhtar Sahib, recommendation from Faatima
- Al-Muhaddithat: The women scholars in Islam, by Mohammad Akram Nadwi, recommendation from Selina B
- Angels in your presence, by Omar Suleiman, recommended
- The Sultan set featuring Ali (RA) Abu Bakr’ (RA), Ummar (RA) and Uthman (RA) by Dr Ali Muhammad as Sallabi, recommendation from Jamila Kossar
- Surah Al Khaf, by Yasir Qadi, recommended
- Inner dimensions of Islamic worship, by Imam Al Ghazali
- The fortress of a Muslim, Compiled by Sa’id bin Wahf Al-Qahtani, recommendation from Khadijah Khatun (“multiple copies around the home or for each family member”)
- Description of the Prophets prayer, by Imam Muhammad Nasir Al-Din al-Albani, recommended
- The Power of Dua, by Yasir Qadhi, recommendation from Anousha Vakani
- Patience and Gratitude, By Muhammad Ibn Abi Baku Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah, recommendation from Nepa Jamillah Uddin
- The Road to Makkah, by Asad Muhammad, recommendation by Abidah
- The Beginner’s Book of Salah, Muslim Educational trust, recommended
- Towards Sacred Activism, by Dawud Walid,
- The Qasidah Burdah, by by Imam Sharaf ad-Din al-Busiri and Aziza Spiker,
- Reclaim your heart, by Yasmin Mogahed,
- Muhammad, Messenger of Allah; Ash-Shifa of Qadi’Iyad, by Qadi Iyad (Author), A. Bewley (Translator),
- Centering Black Narrative: Ahl al-Bayt, Blackness & Africa, by by Mr Ahmad Mubarak and Mr Dawud Walid, recommendation by Selina B
- Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases go the Heart, by Hamza Yusuf,
- The Forbidden Prophecies, by Abu Zakaria,
- Sea without shore: A manual of the Sufi Path, by Nuh Ha Mim Keller,
- The vision of Islam, by Sachiko Murata and William Chittick,
- The Initiatory Way to Peace, The Awakening of Consciousness, Liberation Therapy, all by Sheikh Aly N’Daw, Sabah Ismail
- The lives of man, by Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad (author) M. Al-Badawi (translator) , Zeinab J. Sulemani
- Riyad-us-saliheen, by Imam Al-Nawawi,
- Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A Code for Everyday Living, The Example of the Early Muslims, by Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bukhari,
- The Book of Wisdoms: Kitab Al-Hikam, a Collection of Sufi Aphorisms, by Ibn Ata’illah al-Iskandari and Shaykh ‘Abdullah Gangohi,
- We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir, Samra Habib, recommendation from Amina Aden
- Abida Suleman Khan
- The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary, by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Caner K Dagli, et al., recommendation from Ali Rehmatullah
- The Book of Assistance, by by Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad and M. Al-Badawi, Zeinab J. Sulemani
- Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilisation from the Past, by by Firas Alkhateeb,
- A History of Islamic Societies,by Ira M. Lapidus ,
- Kitab At Tauhid (The Book Of Monotheism), by Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab, recommendation from Maria Dee
- Milestones : Ma’alim Fi’l Tariq, by Sayyid Qutb (Author), Editor : A B Al-Mehri, recommendation from Mohammed Owais
- A Portrait of the Prophet: As Seen by His Contemporaries ASH-Shama’Il Al-Muhammadiyya, by Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Isa at-Tirmidhi, recommendation from Safura Houghton
- The Quranic Phenomenon, by Malik Bennabi (Author), Mohammed El Tahir Mesawi, recommendation Razzan Safour
- Autobiography of Malcolm X, by X Malcolm, recommended
- Educating Children (Riyāḍatul Ṣibyān) : Classical Advice for Modern Times, by by Abdul Aziz Ahmed & Imām Muhammad bin Ahmed al-Ramlī, recommendation from Safura Houghton
- Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam, by A. Helwa, recommendation from Huda Thakur
- Agenda to Change our Condition, by Hamza Yusuf (Author), Zaid Shakir, by Selina B
- What Islam Is All About by Yahiya Emerick, recommendation from Umm Eesa Dawood Hafsah
- Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective, by Amina Wadud, recommendation from Amina Tharani
- The Sealed Nectar, by Saifiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri, recommendation from Shabnam Makee
- Major Themes of the Qur’an: Second Edition, by Fazlur Rahman, recommendation from Amina Tharani
- A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics, Aziz Esmail, recommendation from Amina Tharani
- Men & Women Around The Messenger, by Sa’d Yusuf Abu Aziz and Suleman Fulani, recommendation from Shabnam Makee
- Islam and the Destiny of Man, by Gai Eaton, recommended
- Enjoy your life, Dr. Muhammad Adb Al-Rahman Al-Arifi, recommended
- Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, by Martin Lings, recommendation from Aminah Jayne O’Rourke
- Motivational Moments by Mufti Menk, recommendation from Aleesha Khaliq
- A Taste of Honey: Sexuality and Erotology in Islam by Habeeb Akande, recommendation from Aminah Jayne O’Rourke
- Joy Jots: Exercises for a Happy Heart by Tamara Gray, recommendation from Aminah Jayne O’Rourke
- Being Muslim: A Practical Guide, by Dr. Asad Tarsin, recommendation from Aminah Jayne O’Rourke
- Al-Ghazali’s Marvels of the Heart, by Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al- Ghazali and Iman Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, recommendation from Aminah Jayne O’Rourke
- In the Shade of the Tree: A Photographic Odyssey Through the Muslim World, by Peter Sanders, recommendation from Umar Ali
- The Accepted Whispers, by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi and Khalid Baig, recommendation from Suad Kamardeen
- Life of the Sahaabah (RA): True companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Sheikhul Hadeeth Hadhrat Moulana Muhamma, recommendation from Ebrahim Kadwa
- Fazail-e-Amaal by Muhammad Zakariyyah (RA) and Nazm Sabd Zakariyya, recommendation from Ebrahim Kadwa
- Purification of the Soul, by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, recommendation from Che Nadaquever
- Illuminating the darkness, by Habeeb Akande, recommendation from Che Nadaquever
- When the moon Spilt, by Safi al-Rahman Mubarakfuri, recommendation from Che Nadaquever
- If the Oceans Were Ink: An Unlikely Friendship and a Journey to the Heart of the Quran, by Carla Power, recommendation from Majida
- Muhammad (s): 11 Leadership Qualities that Changed the World, by Nabeel Al-Azami, recommendation from Majida
- The Walking Qur’an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa, by Rudolph T. Ware III
- Show up, by N’aima B Robert, recommendation from Lalla Cissé
- Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an, by Asma Barlas
- Don’t be sad, by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni, recommendation from Samiirah Shykiss
- Allah loves, by Omar Suleiman, recommendation from Safa Malik
- Tafseer As-Sadi 10 Volumes, by Abdur Rahman Nasir As-Sadi, recommendation from Safa Malik
- The 40 Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi, various available, recommendation from Safa Malik
- Medicine of the Prophet, by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, recommendation from Safa Malik
- Stories of the Prophets, by Ibn katheer, recommendation from Safa Malik
- The Sacred Months – Prayer and worship for the special months, by Rizwana Sayed, recommendation from Hanna Khawaja
- The Four Traits of a Cherished Muslimah by Safa Malik, recommendation from Safa Malik
- Green Deen: What Islam Teaches about Protecting the Planet, Ibrahim Abdul-Matin
- Shaykha Ruqayya Niasse
- Enemy Combatant by Moazzam Begg
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