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2021: The Year to Invest in Yourself With the Amaliah × Enrol Yourself Bursary

by in Careers on 21st December, 2020

(Image Features: Taz Latif with family and friends at her Enrol Yourself graduation)

This article is in partnership with Enrol Yourself. Amaliah has partnered to offer two full bursaries to women of colour in the Amaliah community.

Back in November, we asked you in our newsletter to think back to the last time you invested in yourself.

After a shocker of a year, there’s no doubt many of us are facing steep learning curves as we come to terms with the “new normal” and what it means for our relationships, our work, and our futures.

And as with any form of growth, this kind of learning can’t happen without investment – energy, time, ideas – which can be really daunting, especially the idea of doing alone.

Enter the Learning Marathon

That’s why we’ve created a new partnership for next year. We’ve teamed up with Enrol Yourself, so that 2 members of our community can access bursaries for their programme, the Learning Marathon, in 2021.

Don’t worry, the Learning Marathon has nothing to do with running. It’s a life-changing way to invest in yourself and focus on your growth in the community with a group of people all doing the same.

The programme brings together 12 individuals, each with their own learning question: something they really care about exploring – whether it’s personal, professional, or societal. Over 6 months, participants collaborate, pool ideas, resources, and their networks, to each travel further than they could alone.

In the past, participants have created new projects and businesses, they’ve made career changes, found new clients, roles, and collaborators.

Taz’s journey

Amaliah Bursary

“Taking part in the Learning Marathon has changed my perspective on life. The journey felt a lot more personal to me than just academic and professional development. I’d urge anyone from any background to come along and see that they can be themselves in this space, and achieve things that they couldn’t alone.” –Taz Latif

Featured Learning Marathons

Enrol Yourself has just launched a bumper crop of Learning Marathons for 2021. Some that might interest you:

Business Unusual

A Learning Marathon to prototype transformations for conscious business and leadership.

Timeframe: 6 months
Location: Online – Global

Kick off: 22nd March

Education for Liberation

A peer-led Learning Marathon for those who want to reimagine education for the future of learning.

Timeframe: 6 months
Location: online – UK

Kick Off: 20th February

Beyond our Echo Chambers

A Learning Marathon fusing creative and analytical thinkers – to face the challenges of our times.

Timeframe: 6 months
Location: Online – London

Kick off: 12th February

Yoga Assembly

A peer-led learning journey for yoga teachers seeking a community of practice.

Timeframe: 6 months
Location: Online – UK

Kick off: 12th April

Check out the full Learning Marathon Listings here.

The Amaliah Bursary in detail

If you’re ready to make an investment in your growth, the Learning Marathon might be for you.

We’re offering 2 bursary spaces on the programme for women of colour in our community in 2021. 

  • Bursaries are available through this partnership for any of the 2021 Learning Marathons.
  • Bursaries accessed through these partnerships are fully funded.
  • Bursary applicants will need to identify the Learning Marathon they wish to participate in, and register their eligibility for a bursary place when they apply.
  • Each Learning Marathon has its own application deadlines. It’s up to the applicant to manage their own application process.

You can find out more about the Learning Marathon here, and for full programme dates and application forms head here. To discuss your application, your eligibility — or anything else, please contact

More Information:



Huddlecraft is an ecosystem of support for peer-led learning and action. We believe in creating a world of co-learners, and we do this through hosting Huddles (purposeful peer groups), training people in Huddlecraft through our Host Fellowship and Huddlecraft101, and applying our learning design skills on Studio projects.