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Jakarta Vs. London, a Muslim Student Depicts Life’s Differences Through Illustrations

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 26th July, 2018

Check out how this native Jakartan Muslim comic, take London in this series of hilarious comic strips illustrated by Fadilah. Based on a true story, the Instagrammer explores the stark differences between life in her hometown and this new alien bustling city. Fadilah examines identity and its many faces through daily manifestations of awkward encounters and hilarious scenes by comparatively illustrating the stark differences between the lifestyle of Indonesian and British Muslims. Go on have a little scroll..

It's more challenging if we do fasting after Ramadan. Fasting in summer is even harder. But have you heard about 6 days Shawwal fasting? . Brace yourself, this is the last chance to do the 6 days of Shawwal. You can finish all 6 days if you do it from Sunday to Friday, because the last day of Shawwal is the next Friday. You can do it! Insha Allah, if we do it together with our family and friends, fasting will get easier . "Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime." Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nisa'i and Ibn Majah Tag your friends and let's do it! ???? . #jakartavslondon #jakarta #london #shawwal #syawal #fasting #sawm #comics #illustration #muslim #hijabi #komik #komikislami #reminder #studyinuk #hijrah #muslimreminder #webcomic #puasasyawal #hadith #webcomics

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Last Batch! Order Ramadan Journal now! [click link in my profile] . . Don’t you feel happy Ramadan is coming very soon? Let’s make every second counts in Ramadan. Fill it with Quran recitation, learning about Islam, dua, asking for forgiveness, doing good deeds, sadaqa, and many more. And you can make your plans more organised with Ramadan Journal ????. Plus you can contribute for the ummah, because all profits from Ramadan Journal will be donated . . “The five (daily) prayers, and from one Friday prayer to the next, and from Ramadan to Ramadan are expiation for sins committed in between provided one stays away from the major sins.” (Al-Bukhari) #jakartavslondon #jakarta #london #muslim #hijabi #studyinlondon #liveasmuslim #comic #illustration #ramadanmubarak #ramadhan #bus

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In Jakarta, I will end up wearing jacket when I ride motorcycle, or when I’m sick. Because Jakarta is sizzling hot ????☀️☀️. Meanwhile, I feel like summer in London is mild for me. And spring is still cold (where is sunshine?). Better to be prepared with a jacket everyday. . “And Allah has made for you, from that which He has created, shadows and has made for you from the mountains, shelters and has made for you garments which protect you from the heat and garments which protect you from your [enemy in] battle. Thus does He complete His favor upon you that you might submit [to Him].” (An Nahl:81) . #jakartavslondon #jakarta #london #fashion #hijabi #hoodie #tshirt #cold #timelapse #illustrator #webcomic #digitalillustration #adobeillustrator #komik

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I was surprised when my classmate told me, some swimming pools have dedicated hours for women only. She always swim during that time. So she asked me to join when she knew I love swimming . Women-only swimming pools exist in Jakarta. But when I heard in London they have “women hours” pools and gym, I can’t help but say Alhamdulillah ????????. . Do you love swimming too? . “Any action without the remembrance of Allah is either a diversion or heedlessness excepting four acts: walking from target to target (during archery practice), training a horse, playing with one’s family, and learning to swim”. (Reported by al-Tabarani on good authority.) . #jakartavslondon #jakarta #london #swimming #women #hijabi #sport #komik #comics #webcomics #iqomic #komikanu #komikinajah #hadith #muslim

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