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Here’s 5 Places to Get Organic Halal Meat in the UK

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 16th February, 2019

We’ve seen the Muslim vegan movement on the rise over the last few years, more recently I have been questioning how halal our meat really is. I find myself being put off eating meat in restaurants because I question how great the quality could be when they’re serving hundreds of customers a week. I have also found a lot of buzz surrounding Halal organic and ethical meat on Twitter, so it caused me to delve into research surrounding organic halal meat in the UK. I have to say, I was shocked at the price tag! But I guess the wider issue is around cutting down how much meat we consume – perhaps with a whole chicken costing more than a tenner, it will force the habit. I’ve also tried to eat more fish but have you heard about lice and salmon… maybe that’s for another article. Here are 5 places you can get halal organic meat in the UK:

1. Halal & Tayyib Foods

Halal & Tayyib Foods ( H&T Foods) was established back in 2010 and they have worked to make quality halal higher welfare free range and organically reared chicken an option available to everyone. They also sell organically reared lamb on their website.

2. Willowbrook Farm 

Started by Lutfi Radwan and his wife Ruby in Oxfordshire, their family home is the UK’s first organic halal farm. They have grown from supplying family and friends to customers across the UK.

3. Halal Exotic Meats

Providing Organic free ranged lambs, “Our Organic lambs are naturally reared on the Organic Lush Green Fields of Yorkshire. If you require any specific organic lamb cuts, please email us with your specifications.”

4. Abraham Organics

Abrahams Halal, tayyib, and ethical meat provide a range of lamb, free range whole chicken, and chicken breast.
5. Healthy Halal 
Healthy Halal operates a “free to roam” in open fields policy with 100% natural feed for animals. They have marinated options and subscription boxes on offer too.
Maya Areem

Maya Areem

Maya is a teacher by day and student by night. She hopes to pass on what she learns.