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Your Spring Cleaning Guide

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 12th May, 2018


Spring is FINALLY on its way! Winter was so cold and depressing last year and I am thrilled that it will be over soon!

There are so many things I’m looking for this spring, and one of them is … Spring Cleaning! Yes, Spring Cleaning! Why have you raised your eyebrows? For many, it sounds like a daunting task and reminds you of your parents when they made you help them with this yearly event! Cleaning may not be an exciting project and does not bring joy to you at first. But read on…

Basically, I define Spring Cleaning as performing a cleaning ritual (deep or light) to items that are normally unreachable, unseen, or covered on a seasonal basis. The reason why it occurs in Spring (or sometimes Summer) is mainly due to the change of weather. You are free to wash more and air dry things quicker, Ventilating rooms are easier as warm fresh breezes can rush through, your mood is better because of longer days and you can see your cleaning process better because it is brighter! Now, before taking out your mops, cloths and cleaning products out, you need to describe the current status of your home. I have three names for homes and each one of these homes needs a different approach for a spring clean (with all due respect to those who fall into each category)

  1. A Cluttered Home
  2. A “Need for Deep Cleaning” Home
  3. A “Well Maintained” Home

ONE: A Cluttered Home:

I don’t mean here the messiness you leave behind during the week that you eventually clean and tidy up on the weekend. No. I mean that your home possesses too many items that blocks you from cleaning from the first place.

Approach: You can’t spring clean if you have clutter in your home because cleaning only works after decluttering. Therefore, have a think about how you are going to declutter and plan it out. Read my blog about how to Spring Declutter. If you can’t do it alone and you need help, you can consider hiring a declutterer by finding one near you on

TWO: A “Need for Deep Cleaning” Home:

You may have finished a long decluttering process, or your home is even completely free of clutter, but cleaning your home is still not something you do on a regular basis. Here, Spring Cleaning is a must and it will take longer and more hard work to get rid of months (or years) of accumulated dust and dirt.

Approach: One room may take two days to finish as you need to “remove the scum off the surfaces” first, and then tackle the rest afterwards.

THREE: A “Well Maintained” Home:

Your home is clutter free, all your items are in their proper places and you have a cleaning routine. Your spring cleaning will be a piece of cake. Since you maintain your home regularly, the only tasks you will do this Spring are cleaning items you don’t clean on a weekly or monthly basis but on a seasonal basis, like pillows, curtains, walls, etc.

Approach:  Spring cleaning, in this case, will take one day for each room.

If you noticed, I have numbered these home names on purpose as these are the stages of identification in a process of reviving any home from a chaotic house to a livable space. So eventually, if your home is in the state of number one, you have to work to get it to number two before three and so on.


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I by coincidence found my spring cleaning list I wrote when I did my Spring cleaning last year. I have written things I don’t clean on a frequent basis to make them my main focus. I will share on my social media channels the way I cleaned them during National Spring Cleaning Week, but in general, the points I consider while spring cleaning is as follows:

  • If your home is a 2 or 3 story house, start from the upper rooms to bottom, starting with lofts or storage rooms, then bedrooms, lounges, bathrooms and leaving the kitchen to the very end.
  • Specify one room each day (you can do a room once a week, or 5 rooms 5 days a week, depends on your timetable and energy limits).
  • You can do it alone, but if you will use ladders, lift or move heavy things or try to clean outside windows, ask for support. Don’t put yourself under any dangerous risks.
  • Make sure children and pets are preoccupied away from you during Spring Cleaning a room.
  • Consider swapping your summer clothes with your winter clothes in your current wardrobe before spring cleaning your bedroom.
  • If you plan on decorating, bear in mind these rules: Before spring cleaning you can paint walls, take out old furniture/appliances, mending anything that needs repair, install tiles, and fit in fitted furniture. After spring cleaning you can fit in new carpets and bring in new furniture/appliances.
  • Unplug any electrics/lighting while cleaning and disconnect electricity while cleaning chandeliers/lights/vents.
  • Keep your washing machine empty and handy as lots of wash will generate from spring cleaning.
  • You can use commercial cleaning products or home-made recipes, it’s your call. Just make sure they don’t cause you any allergies.
  • Make sure your cleaning tools are clean before cleaning!

When you are done Spring Cleaning this year, my biggest piece of advice for you is to develop habits and routines to always keep your house clean. Therefore, you will not spend too much time and effort on Spring cleaning the year after. Happy cleaning ladies!

Mona Kay

Mona Kay

Mona is a; Human Resourses and Learning & Development Advisor, Professional Organiser & Tidy Expert, Advocate for Happiness, Peace, Change, Humanity, Equality & Diversity, Wife & Mother of twin daughters.