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10 Easy Ways to Start Exercising Today

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 15th August, 2019

Some people don’t have the drive, or are too busy, to go to the gym, but these are little things you can do to make fitness more of a habit.

Park at the Back of the Car Park

By parking in the back of the parking lot, you are making yourself walk more. Walking more equals more movement, and more movement equals secret exercise. You won’t even feel it.

Use the Stairs

By skipping out on the escalator or elevator, you are making yourself move more, which in the end means you will burn more calories.

Sneak in a Workout

Sitting at a desk all day? Do some squats or lunges. At the grocery store? Do lunges down the aisle or curl that milk jug. It’s easy to do when you truly think about it!

Fast Food Nutrition

If you are always on the go, try to look at the nutrition of the fast food items and make sure you pick the best for you, it’s about choosing the best option based on what you know.

Set Alarms

If you’re like me, you need alarms for everything! Set alarms on drinking water, getting up, schedule a workout. It might be tedious at first, but it pays off in the long run.

 Make a Fitness Regime

Plan your workouts and make sure you go. Make it an appointment you can’t miss. Accountability is important.

Plan Outfits the Night Before

If you plan your outfits the night before, you’ll be ready to take on the day. The visual of your clothes waiting for you to put on can be motivation itself.

Commercial Breaks

If you’re a TV watcher, this one is for you. During the commercial breaks of your favorite shows, do some squats, jumping jacks, or plank! It keeps you moving during the boring parts.

Two Cups Rule

If drinking water is hard throughout the day, use this simple rule. Drink 2 glasses of water before every meal. With breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that’s already 6 glasses. You’ve already had about a liter! You can add this to when you wake up and before you go to bed as well!

Have Specific Goals

Yes you want to lose weight or gain weight, but have a specific goal. “Lose 10 pounds by January,” “Gain 5 pounds by March,” those are very specific. Don’t forget to make it realistic or you’ll be failing everytime!

The Fit Hijabi

The Fit Hijabi

Khadijah is a blogger and fitness enthusiast. She writes about lifestyle, fitness and Islam over on her blog, The Fit Hijabi.