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The Peelable and Breathable Nail Polish

by in Beauty & Makeup on 10th October, 2017

Source: Inglot

If you don’t know what you’re wearing this Eid, there is still time to shop our curated selection from our Eid Shop.

Today we’re talking nails and some of our favourites we turn to, including a selection of breathable and peelable polishes; perfect for your Eid parties. If you’re not sure which colour to opt for, we always think a good nude looks subtle and so pretty on the nails!

Ingot 02m Breathable Nail Enamel

This was one of the first brands to bring out a wide selection of colours and now has over 108 to choose from. A highly advanced polymer in the formula allows water and air to pass, even with the top coat on. They now have a range of matte polishes too available in 24 colours.
Shop it now for £13.

Source: @Inglot

Lena Nails

The brand with one purpose ’To give you the most gorgeous shades of breathable nail polish at great prices’. It is a great price and you can get your hands on a bottle for £8.95.

Source: @lena_nails

This is probably our favourite! We love the brands’ peelable concept making it easy to apply and remove wherever you are. We’re tried and tested this and find it’s long lasting with a smooth peel off that’s even a little therapeutic! The brand prides itself on being toxin free and odourless so no strong smells either!

Source: @littleondine



Amnah is the Fashion & Beauty Editor at Amaliah. She is a beauty hoarder and is known for saying "You can wear anything, trust me," which fills every woman with confidence. She also reviews Beauty and Skincare Products, to feature just contact her on: